Work meetings are a waste of time, right? If you nodded in agreement, please reconsider. Sure, meetings can be inconvenient, and if we’re honest, a little boring. But meetings can also be an opportunity to highlight your leadership abilities and demonstrate that you are a team player.

In fact, mastering meeting etiquette can help you advance in your career. How is it done? In your early career years, being prepared and punctual is key.

At Spencer Crane Etiquette, we show the young professional how modern business etiquette can boost her confidence and give her an edge over the competition.

For a successful meeting, consider these 5 meeting etiquette essentials:

  1. Be accountable. Always complete pre-meeting assignments to the best of your ability. Get assistance if necessary. Doing your part shows your willingness to take ownership of your work.
  2. Arrive on time. Rushing into a meeting as it begins makes you look disorganized. If the meeting is off-site, arrive 15 minutes early. Introduce yourself to the other attendees or settle in and review your notes. If the meeting is on-site and you are a new employee, follow the example of your respected colleagues to learn what “on time” means for on-site meetings.
  3. Silence your phone. Don’t forget to silence your phone to avoid receiving calls or notifications during the meeting. No explanation needed!
  4. Don’t stare at your notes. When using notes, look up occasionally and make eye contact with the other people in the room. It will help you project confidence and connect with your colleagues.
  5. Listen actively. Focus on the discussion and points made by your colleagues instead of what you plan to say. You will learn more, and you’ll avoid repeating a point that someone has already made!

These 5 essentials will help position you as a prepared and punctual professional. For more topics on modern business etiquette, read our blog posts here.

Stayce Wagner is the author of Modern Business Etiquette for Young & Fabulous Professionals, available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, the iTunes Store, and other major outlets. Stayce is the founder of Spencer Crane Etiquette, LLC, where business etiquette and authenticity are partners, not rivals. Our many services are designed to help you achieve success on your terms. We invite you to contact us today to discuss how we can help you with your business etiquette needs.